Shaviram’s plans for 103 Build-to-Rent flats in Friar Street, Reading go before councillors on Wednesday (September 4) with a recommendation for approval.
Reading Borough Council’s planning applications committee looks set to nod through the scheme at 35-39 Friar Street, a 0.1941-hectare space from the corner of Friars Walk up to the vacant former Subway unit.
Shaviram plans a part seven, part 11-storey block with three commercial units on the ground and basement floors. The largest of those, a 1,684 sq m space across the ground and basement, is intended for the Cosmo restaurant, currently in the existing building, to return to.
Recent changes to the plans, initially submitted in 2022, means the creation of 135 cycle spaces and alterations to the Friars Walk landscape. The changes follow talks with Station Hill developer Lincoln MGT, its architect CallisonRTKL and landscape architect LDA Design.
The mix of flats, from studios to three-bedroom units, includes 33 affordable homes.
The recommendation for approval is dependent upon a s106 agreement being signed by September 27.
Shaviram’s team includes Lichfields on planning, Stefan Shaw Studio on architecture and GEM on air quality.
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