Work has begun on a £15 million project to improve St Neots town centre.

The project will see Market Square opened into new public realm. Parking spaces will be relocated, seating will be introduced and facilities for markets and events in the town will be improved.

The improvements are part of Huntingdonshire District Council’s Market Towns programme.

The St Neots High Street scheme has been jointly funded by the Cambridge & Peterborough Combined Authority, Huntingdonshire District Council, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, National Highways and Cambridgeshire County Council.

A weekly bulletin, stating the work carried out, is already being posted on the council website.

Cllr Sam Wakeford, executive councillor for jobs, economy and housing for Huntingdonshire District Council, said: “We are excited that the construction phase of the town centre improvements project is now commencing, which is a significant milestone for St Neots, promising a more attractive, versatile and vibrant public space in the historic centre of the town.”

Image: Google.

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