Plans for up to 420 homes at Spencers Wood have been submitted to Wokingham Borough Council.

Land promoter Richborough has applied for outline permission for the scheme which includes access off Basingstoke Road, an 80-bed care home, a hectare of employment land, a primary school, a local centre, a GP surgery, a sports pitch and changing facilities, public open space, SANG provision and associated infrastructure.  A total of 40 per cent of the homes will be affordable.

The school provision is for relocation and expansion of Lambs Lane Primary School.

The 39.26-hectare agricultural site is South and South West of Spencers Wood and north of a solar farm.

It is within the detailed emergency planning zone (DEPZ) of AWE Burghfield set by West Berkshire Council but outside of the urgent protection action zone (UPAZ) determined by AWE.

The team on the project includes Pegasus on design, Marrons on planning and PJA on transport.


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