A science and technology park is being planned on the site of a former quarry in Oxfordshire.
A screening request, submitted to Vale of White Horse District council by Mango Planning & Development on behalf of De Montalt Life Sciences, shows plans for a 42,286 sq m scheme on the 11.7-hectare former Wicklesham Quarry at Faringdon.
The request shows seven buildings of up to four storeys covering planning use classes E(g)i (offices), E(g)(ii) (research and development), E(g)(ii) (light industrial), B2 (general industrial), B8 (storage and distribution, including data centre) and ancillary uses. The scheme was designed by Kendall Kingscott architects.
The council concluded the environmental impact assessment is not required.
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This development cannot go ahead.
It will totally destroy Faringdon and the surrounding countryside, not to mention the massive increase it traffic on the A420 which is notorious for fatal accidents/crashes.
I beg all that will be affected to fight this and let common sense prevail.
Philip Waller