Outline plans for up to 470 homes near Witney in Oxfordshire have been revealed in a scoping request.

Mac Mic Strategic Land has submitted the request to West Oxfordshire District Council for the development on a 22.55-hectare, agricultural site at Curbridge Downs Farm, north of the B4047 Burford Road.

The site, which is divided into four fields, is on the western fringe of the town. Access is proposed at two points on Burford Road.

It is proposed a significant proportion of the site is retained as open space, play areas, allotments, an orchard and green corridors.

The council responded to a screening request last December, stating an Environmental Impact Assessment is required for a scheme of up to 400 homes on the site.

However, Mic Mac Strategic Land has since requested a screening direction from the Secretary of State which is yet to be issued.

The current request seeks to establish the scope and level of detail of the environmental statement requested.

The team on the project includes Savills on planning, Rappor on transport and EDP on landscape and ecology.

Visit https://publicaccess.westoxon.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=SSYDHORK0J600

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