Developers have launched plans to grow Hatfield with 120 homes.

The proposal, for housing and a new primary school, would use Green Belt between the town’s southern edge and Welham Green village.

In a draft local plan, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council had planned to re-draw the Green Belt boundary at the site, taking the fields south of A1001 South Way out of the Green Belt area.

The final set of new planning policies has not yet been approved, but developers have promised a plan which aligns with the draft.

The developers statement reads: “The vision for Land at South Way is to create 120 beautifully designed homes within a stunning environment of biodiverse and publicly accessible landscapes. Additionally, land will be allocated for the construction of a new two form-entry primary school, addressing the current demand for school places and fostering a strong sense of community.

“The proposals create a place that belongs to Hatfield by integrating a seamless character that sustains the unique character of the borough. Housing is the single most important building type in terms of influencing the quality of people’s day-to-day lives, and high-quality design and architecture is key to the project’s vision.”

The developers’ masterplan features an “edible landscape or community orchard”, an area of species-rich grassland, new planting and a play area.

A network of active travel routes would connect new homes with South Hatfield, Welham Green, nearby railway stations, bus routes and the countryside.

The plans note the area reserved for a new primary school would be a “larger than required” 2.95-hectare area, and adds the proposal is for a “new neighbourhood with a community heart.”

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