Outline plans have seen submitted for 60 homes on a site in Finchampstead in the Wokingham borough.

VV Contractors, along with Sovereign Housing Association, has applied to Wokingham Borough Council to demolish existing buildings and develop a 2.1-hectare site at 24 Barkham Ride.

The site is part of a wider allocation, known as Rooks Nest Farm and 24 Barkham Ride, which can accommodate up to 270 units.

The VV Contractors application is for a mix of flats, terraced, semi-detached and detached homes of up to four bedrooms. There will be a minimum proportion of 40 per cent affordable properties.

The team on the project includes DHA Planning, DHA Transport and Ascot Design on architecture.

Visit: https://planning.wokingham.gov.uk/FastWebPL/detail.asp?AltRef=241667

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