New plans to replace Woking’s former Bhs store with a high-rise development of 272 Build-to-Rent flats have been submitted to Woking Borough Council.
Donard Real Estate on behalf of Obsidian Fund Services Limited, acting as manager to the Zirconia Woking Unit Trust has applied to demolish the existing building and build the scheme of up to ground plus up to 25 floors with up to 550m of ground floor commercial space.
An identical scheme for the 0.49-hectare site in Commercial Way was refused in March and the applicant has since gone to appeal, the public enquiry for which will start in January.
However, the applicant has decided to resubmit the scheme with additional information to try to gain consent before the appeal.
The current two-to-five floor former department store has one tenant, the British Heart Foundation, which uses the ground floor.
The team on the project includes POD Architects, Turley on planning and Pulsar on transport planning.
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