The former bus depot site in Alperton is being developed to provide high-quality residential and commercial development.

The development of new council homes, 40 per cent of which will be affordable, reached its highest point in the construction process last week (Wednesday 31 July).

The ‘topping out’ ceremony marked an important milestone and was celebrated with an event attended by cabinet member Councillor Shama Tatler and developers Telford Homes, Ridgeback and Greenstone.

The new, mixed-use development next to Alperton station will provide 461 new homes and commercial industrial space. This flexible space will be geared towards supporting start-ups, small businesses, and creative industries.

The scheme will provide community space for adult learning and community-led gatherings and a new café with an outdoor seating area. The streetscape of the Ealing Road / Bridgewater Road junction will be improved, along with the creation of new public infrastructure and the planting of over 50 new trees.

Councillor Shama Tatler, cabinet member for regeneration, planning and growth at Brent Council, said: “I am thrilled to mark this significant milestone in this new development. This milestone is a huge achievement, providing much-needed homes for Brent families that will add to this vibrant community.”

The development is expected to be completed by September 2025.


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