A development of up to 450 homes in Witney has been allowed on appeal.

The plans by the Mawle Trustees and trustees of Northfield Life Interest for mostly agricultural land South East of Oxford Hill, East Witney, were refused by West Oxfordshire District Council in May 2023.

The site comprised two parcels – Site A, a larger sloping area, and Site B, a mostly flat area.

Reasons for refusal included landscape harm by building heights and insufficient information about biodiversity gain.

But in his report just published, planning inspector Philip Mileham said: “I find that the proposal would not result in harm in relation to securing a comprehensive development.

“Whilst the proposal would undoubtedly alter the landscape through the change to residential development, the submitted parameter plans which would be secured via condition would provide sufficient controls over the use of land, buildings heights, the location of development and access and movement in order to avoid harm to landscape character.

“Subject to a condition in respect of Site B, it would also preserve the setting of a designated heritage asset.

“The proposal would offer a number of benefits including the provision of housing, and notably due to the scale of the proposed development, a significant amount of affordable housing.

“Environmental benefits would arise through the proposed biodiversity net gain. Economic benefits would arise through the construction jobs created by the proposed development and in the accompanying materials supply chain.

“Social benefits would also arise through future occupiers utilising local services and facilities and contributing to community activities.”

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