An Anglican Benedictine monastery in Hampshire has gone up for sale with Carter Jonas.

The 26,954 sq ft Alton Abbey, along with further ancillary buildings including a gatehouse, church and bungalow, in the village of Beach near Alton is set in 17.6 hectares.

The current buildings were designed by Sir Charles Nicholson, using Tintern Abbey in Wales as a model.

The first monks did much of the construction in the early 20th Century using local flint. Construction is believed to have been completed in 1984, with the addition of a meeting room and monastic library.

It is currently owned by the trustees of the charity The Order of St Benedict At Alton Abbey but the dwindling number of monks at the Abbey has led to their relocation and subsequent sale of the building.

Emma Jewson, partner at Carter Jonas (Oxford) said: “We are very pleased to offer this exciting and unique development opportunity in this stunning location. We anticipate significant interest and have high aspirations for this important piece of Hampshire’s history.”

The Abbey will be sold freehold. A microsite containing supporting plans and information has been created and access details are available from the selling agent.

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