Brent Council has approved a mixed-use commercial and residential building on the site of HNS Autos on Dowlings Parade, Wembley.

The proposal is to partially demolish the HNS Autos building and other associated buildings on site and erection of a new building comprising residential units and commercial space at ground floor level, cycle parking spaces, blue badge parking, amenity space, and landscaping.

The proposal seeks to improve planning permission 20/1151 for 1-7 stories, 28 units, on an existing underutilised site to deliver affordable workspaces with 32 high-quality residential units in a new building ranging from 1 to 8 storeys, including private and communal space, blue badge car parking and cycle storage, and public realm improvements.

The Design and Access statement was prepared by MTA (Michael Trentham Architects) on Behalf of Vardy Ltd.


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