Newbury’s proposed Eagle Quarter scheme remains undecided after a second meeting of West Berkshire councillors.

The council’s district planning committee failed to reach agreement after four and a half hours of debate at its November 13 meeting and the matter will have to go back before the committee.

In a chaotic conclusion to the meeting, members voted on a motion to refuse the scheme, which was tied but decided on committee chair Cllr Denise Gaines’ casting vote. She supported the scheme so, after taking legal advice, the meeting continued.

However, time ran out before a motion to approve with added conditions could be voted on.

The development of 427 Build-to-Rent flats in nine blocks, ranging in height from two – seven storeys, 3,117 sq m of Class E space for independent and artisan businesses and a new pedestrian link to the railway station and Market Place, to replace the ailing Kennet Centre, had initially been submitted by developer Lochailort in 2019 and later revised.

The application had already been discussed by the Western area planning committee on October 6 but was handed to the district when that committee could not reach a decision.

Lochailort director Hugo Haig said after the November 13 meeting: “We are very disappointed that despite all the efforts made by officers and additional information provided following the western committee in October, the district committee have failed to decide this application.

“We are reflecting on the content of the meeting and are considering our options at present.”

A statement from the council said: “Under the Council’s Constitution, the meeting must conclude by 10.30pm.  The application was debated, but no proposal received a passing vote before 10.30pm.  As such, no formal decision was made, and it will be necessary to continue consideration of the application at a future Committee.  Such arrangements will be publicised in due course.”

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