Blandy & Blandy has announced Claire Dyer is to become the firm’s new chair.

Claire, who joined Blandy & Blandy on her qualification in 2006 before becoming a partner in 2015, will succeed Nick Burrows who held the role for the past three years.

A leading family lawyer, Claire is recommended in the UK’s main guides to law firms.

joint managing partner Tim Clark said: “I am delighted that Claire will be our new chair. It is an important role in any law firm and Claire has all the necessary skills having so successfully led our growing Family team for the last seven years.

“We have had a record year in which we have opened a new office in Wokingham and welcomed a number of people who will play a crucial role in our growth. We have a long and proud history but are very much focussed on the future of which Claire is a key part.”

Claire said: “It is a genuine honour to represent the firm as chair. During my 18 years with Blandy’s, I have seen how we have benefitted from the excellent work of our previous chairs, most recently Nick. It will be a pleasure to build on their legacy, to support the partnership and to make my own contribution to the firm as a whole in this role.”

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