The public has until July 11 to comment on Panattoni’s scaled down plans for a warehouse development at Theale.

The plans for three units, totalling 20,000 sq m, on the 5.43-hectare site off Hoad Way and close to J12 of the M4, were first submitted in 2020 but subsequently withdrawn.

Subsequent plans totalling 172,976 sq ft were withdrawn in 2021. Since then Panattoni has revised its plans and reconsidered its approach to highways, conservation, landscaping and trees.

The new scheme of two adjoining units, totalling 103,814 sq ft, was submitted to West Berkshire Council in January and further amendments were submitted in June.

The application is for Use Classes E (light industrial), B2 (general industrial) and/or B8 (storage & distribution).

The team on the project includes Stephen George and Partners on architecture, Turley on planning and landscape architecture, David Tucker Associates on transport, BWB Consulting on structural and civil engineering and Middlemarch Environmental on ecology.


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