Councillors at Three Rivers have backed a draft Local Plan that promotes reduced housebuilding.

The authority’s plan sub-committee agreed, at its July 16 meeting, to support a ‘lower growth Local Plan option’ that proposes less than half the original Government target of around 11,000 new homes a year until 2041.

The council says the lower housing option received more than 90 per cent support in a recent public consultation. It means only brownfield sites, and sites in areas of moderate Green Belt harm or less are considered acceptable for residential development.

Council leader Cllr Stephen Giles Medhurst said: “This decision is another step towards not only providing the right type of housing and affordable homes needed for residents and future generations, but also to protecting a large portion of our valuable Green Belt.

“We have also moved to ensure that the village of Bedmond will continue to be considered part of the Green Belt, and therefore protected from inappropriate development.”

The committee also agreed the village of Bedmond would be protected from further housing development due to its position in the Green Belt.

Last  week a Three Rivers Council full council meeting agreed to complete the Local Plan process by February 2025, subject to any Government announcements. Residents will get a final say before the plan is submitted to the Government inspector.

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