Shaviram’s plans for 103 Build-to-Rent flats in Friar Street, Reading won praise from councillors who voted unanimously to approve the scheme.

The building’s materials, design, the inclusion of ground floor commercial units and the proportion of affordable homes were all noted by both councillors and officers at Reading Borough Council’s September 4 planning applications committee meeting.

Of the 103 units, Shaviram has made 32 of them affordable, taking it slightly above the minimum policy requirement of 30 per cent.

Cllr James Moore said: “It’s going to be right in the setting of all the other developments. It’s going to be right next to the Ebb & Flow development that is setting its own visual standards in that area.

“Friar Street is going to be busy, it’s going to be noisy but it’s going to be noisy whatever house or flat is there. That’s almost certainly never going to change.

“I normally moan about the lack of affordable homes in applications and so it’s very nice this time to be able to say this has exceeded policy.”

He also praised the design of the scheme’s roof terraces which will be open to all residents.

He added: “A nice little roof terrace in the middle of the town has got to be quite a bonus for people living there.”

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