Councillors in Bedford will be asked to vote against plans for the town’s next Business Improvement District (BID).

BedfordBID, which has operated since 2005 is about to go into the election for its fifth five-year term (BID5), to start on April 1, 2025 if a ‘yes’ vote is achieved. Voting, which involves businesses and landlords within the BID area, takes place on October 17.

But at next week’s meeting of Bedford Borough Council’s executive, members will be asked to vote ‘no’. The council, as a property owner within the BID area, is liable for a charge of £38,770 if the BID goes ahead but this year the council has raised concerns.

A report to the September 11 meeting states that some excellent initiatives are included in the business plan but raises some critical issues so officers have recommend the council votes ‘no’ in line with a proposal put forward by Cllr Andrea Spice, portfolio holder for economic growth, planning and prosperity.

The report states: “The main reason for the decision is that the Council has big ambitions for the town centre, and it is disappointing that the Business Plan offers just more of the same and is not driving the town forward.

“The current BID focuses too narrowly in both its geographic breadth and the depth of its involvement with the town’s vital independent business sector. There are also concerns around the governance of the current BID.

“There have been only a very limited number of Board Meetings held, restricting discussions on the direction of the current BID. The last published Board Meeting minutes were in 2022 and the last meeting date was 16 October 2023.

“It is noted in the Business Plan for BID5 that more meetings will be held but there is no commitment on the frequency of meetings for the forthcoming current BID term despite this being requested by the Council.

“The Council recognises the impact that this decision may have on the town centre and it has not been taken lightly.

“If the BID5 is unsuccessful, we will work with local businesses and organisations to ensure we achieve our vision and deliver a more vibrant, safer and cleaner town centre.

“If the current BID5 proposals are successful, the Council will commit to working with the BID team to deliver those activities and initiatives that benefit our town centre and help us achieve our vision.

“We will use our best efforts to improve the governance of the BID to help all our businesses, including the smaller independents.”

Cllr Spice urged eligible businesses to vote in the upcoming election on the current BID5, whether they support it or not.

But she went on: “We feel that the current BID5 does not offer our town centre what we expect it to and so we are voting accordingly.  But we are not the only voice in this election.

“I have spent over a year as portfolio holder listening to many business owners, and to those who live in or visit the town.

“In the last BID election for Bedford only 175 businesses voted out of approximately 400 and we want to see more businesses having their say. 

“Businesses within the BID zone and with a minimum business rateable value need to make a financial commitment to the BID for four years and so must be confident that it will provide what they wish in their town.

“If the BID5 is unsuccessful, we will work with local businesses and organisations to ensure we achieve our vision and deliver a more vibrant, safer and cleaner town centre.”

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