Expressions of interest have been requested to help rescue and regenerate two significant buildings in Norwich.

Norwich City Council has asked for organisations to step forward in partnering with the authority to deliver services and activities at the city’s Music House and Old Library.

Both properties require considerable work which the council is able to partly fund. However it is looking for partners who can deliver additional significant investment to ensure a sustainable, long-term future for both buildings.

The Music House (pictured), a Grade I-listed three-storey former townhouse, which dates from the 12th Century with further additions in the 15th, 17th and 18th Centuries, had, most recently, been occupied by Norfolk County Council as an adult education centre. The 7,300 sq ft building requires £600,000 of restoration.

The council is offering to grant a long lease (25+ years), initially at a peppercorn rent.

A brief is available here.

The Old Library at Guildhall Hill, constructed in the 18th Century, was once the city’s first subscription library. It served as a library until closure in 1976 and was most recently used as a restaurant until 2019.

The Grade II-listed building comprises a recessed block with long wings either side. It has a basement, ground, and first and second floors.

The council is offering either a long lease or the freehold sale.

A brief is available here.

Contact: Sharon Taylor at

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