Councillors have endorsed a vision document for the Kings Lynn and West Norfolk borough.

The council’s cabinet gave the thumbs up to the borough’s Economic Vision and Strategy at its December 10 meeting.

The 35-page document was developed throughout 2024 with residents, community groups, businesses and other stakeholders. It covers an analysis of the borough’s opportunities, challenges and drivers for change.

It sets out an overarching ambition for a vibrant economy by 2045 and sets out five key priorities:

  • Thriving towns which are destinations for both residents and tourists
  • Access to education and good work, at all phases of life.
  • Specialised agri-food, engineering, manufacturing and visitor economy with productive jobs and businesses that are a reason to stay in the area, relocate to it and invest in it.
  • Proactive, efficient and sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Happy, healthy people living in connected inclusive communities with access to housing, health services, social and leisure facilities.

The cabinet will now be considered by full council in January. The strategy will be used in the development of an investment plan, setting out the borough’s investment priorities and needs for the next 10 years.

Feedback gathered during Summer consultation work has already been put to use in updating the Town Board’s vision and investment priorities for King’s Lynn, which were also endorsed by the cabinet at the meeting.

Cllr Simon Ring, deputy council leader and cabinet member for business and culture, said: “This is a positive vision for the whole borough, founded on the understanding that a vibrant economy encompasses not only economic growth but also the wellbeing of residents and communities, and the sustainability of towns, places, and the natural environment.

“Having a clear, shared strategy on what we want to achieve collectively around inclusive, sustainable and prosperous economic growth, one which is backed by local businesses, partners and aligns with county-wide and national aspirations, will focus our planning and investment around the priorities.

“This will help us to make the best use of limited public funding and maximise opportunities to capture further investment from the public and private sectors.”

Vicky Etheridge, King’s Lynn Town Board interim chair, said: “The strategy has already been crucial in updating the investment priorities for King’s Lynn, which will guide the next phase of significant regeneration under the Long-term Plan for Towns.

“I would like to thank everyone who has shared their valuable feedback to finalise the Town Board priorities and I look forward to the exciting next steps.”

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