Plans to replace Maidenhead Office Park with an industrial park with double the floorspace have been refused.

The Royal Borough’s Maidenhead development panel voted 6-2 against plans by Angelsea Capital to replace the 27,692 sq m office park at Littlewick Green with a 55,741 sq m industrial scheme at its  Wednesday, September 20 meeting. Officers had recommended approval.

The reason for refusal was harm to the Green Belt although councillors argued long and hard over a number of potential reasons. However officers insisted the reasons needed to be clear and within planning policies.

Cllr Leo Walters said: “It’s going to Green Belt that’s the main objection. The very special circumstances are a very thin argument.”

The plan to redevelop the seven-building office park attracted 335 objections along with a detailed representation from White Waltham Parish Council, which objected along with the parish councils of Hurley and Bisham.

Objections were also made by Littlewick Green Society, Burchetts Green Village Association and Fiennes Park Residents Association.

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