Southern Oxfordshire’s two district councils are considering developing a joint Local Plan.
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse districts, which already operate with joint departments and admin believe it will cut costs and help their plans to make the districts carbon neutral.
Both councils’ scrutiny committees will consider reports simultaneously on Wednesday (March 16), which highlight a consensus between the two authorities on issues such as climate and affordable housing.
If both agree to move forward on the plan, both cabinets and full councils will still need to approve any proposal.
Cllr Anne-Marie Simpson, cabinet member for planning at South Oxfordshire, said: “We all know how important Local Plans are to our communities, and I’m looking forward to a good democratic debate about the idea of creating a joint one with our colleagues in the vale.”
Cllr Debby Hallett, cabinet member with responsibility for planning policy for Vale of White Horse, said: “Councils in other areas have successfully adopted joint Local Plans and so while we have the opportunity, it’s important we give this idea serious consideration.”
Image Jonathan Billinger / Oxfordshire countryside
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