Consultation starts this month on the latest Local Transport Plan for Wiltshire.

Wiltshire Council’s cabinet agreed to move forward with public engagement on the emerging Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) at its November 19 meeting.

The consultation on the emerging LTP4, covering the period 2025 – 2038, will now begin on Thursday, November 28 and run until Friday, January 24.

An online survey has been created and there are webinars on December 3 and January 13 (both 6pm).

It covers all areas of transport, including road safety, highway network management and enhancement, car parking, buses, rail, walking and wheeling, freight, electric vehicles and more. It also provides the framework for all other organisations with involvement in transport in the county.

Cllr Tamara Reay, cabinet member for transport, said: “Our current Local Transport Plan ends in 2026, and so we need a new plan that reflects changes in transport, both now and in the future.

“LTP4 sets out council’s objectives and plans for transport in Wiltshire and looks at all forms of transport, from walking, wheeling and cycling to cars, buses, freight, rail and more.

“We recognise transport as an enabler for economic growth and so we have taken a place-based approach to this LTP, as we know that what’s right for our towns and city may not be right for rural areas. We want to create a plan that works for everyone, wherever they are in Wiltshire and however they wish to travel.”


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