An agreement between the Environment Agency (EA) and Oxford City Council is expected to allow developments, stalled by inadequate sewage treatment infrastructure, to go ahead.

The EA had previously challenged planning applications for new housing over concerns about sewage treatment capacity which posed a risk to water quality if developments had gone ahead as planned.

Now the EA, the council and Thames Water have agreed a partnership they say can provide the capacity needed at the city’s sewage treatment works by allowing its much-needed upgrading works from 2027.

The EA is now satisfied that Thames Water has presented a costed and funded programme of work, to protect water quality, while allowing projected growth to come forward. The council argues the agreement will allow 18,000 new homes to go ahead.

The agency will shortly be writing to the council and other affected local planning authorities with its revised advice.

Philip Duffy, chief executive at the Environment Agency, said: “After a rigorous process, we have secured the water services and environmental protections which communities in Oxford need to thrive in their new homes. Oxford City Council now have everything they need to decide if the development goes ahead.

“The Environment Agency believes that protecting the environment and sustainable development can go hand in hand, now and into the future.

“This kind of powerful partnership working is exactly what’s needed to unlock homes and jobs whilst protecting nature.”

Cllr Susan Brown, leader of Oxford City Council, said: “I am delighted that the joint working between Oxford City Council and the EA has got us to this point. This is a great example of collaborative working to help solve a major issue for the city and the surrounding area.

“We look forward to receiving the EA’s letter, so we can determine our next steps as local planning authority and work at pace to unlock the growth and new homes currently stalled across the city.”

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