Plans for 55 homes for people aged 65 and over in Reading have been approved, despite reservations from councillors.

Reading Borough Council’s planning applications committee deferred Knowles Construction’s plans to demolish numbers 205 – 213 Henley Road, Caversham and develop that site, along with sections of the gardens of numbers 215 – 219 for two blocks of retirement flats at its May 31 meeting.

However, the scheme came back to the June 21 meeting at which councillors favoured the overall benefit of additional homes.

A resident from 219 Henley Road told the meeting he had sold his back garden on the basis of a nine-home development, only to find there are now going to be 55.

He was supported by Emmer Green councillor Simon Robinson. He said: “I still have reservations about this application. I find it not a suitable place.

“I appreciate that we’ve got the Signature care home just a few doors away. However, adding another care home is going to be a situation whereby Henley Road will become the Eastbourne of Reading for want of a better description.”

He said there was little mention in the officers’ report of privacy issues for number 219, 221 and further down.

Councillors were satisfied that previous concerns regarding tree cover, EV charging points, biodiversity and flooding had been met.

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