Long-delayed planning permission for up to 4,500 homes at Waterbeach has been granted by South Cambridgeshire District Council.

The outline planning permission for RLW Estates’ development also includes business, retail, community, leisure and sports use, as well as new primary and secondary schools, in addition to a sixth form centre.

Along with earlier permission given to Urban&Civic for up to 6,500 new homes, the latest permission will complete development of the new town at Waterbeach, identified in the SCDC’s 2018 Local Plan.

Discussions over infrastructure requirements, and more recent water supply issues in Greater Cambridge, had caused the planning permission to be delayed, but following the establishment by the Government of a Water Scarcity Group for Cambridge, the council has decided to give the final green light for the scheme.

Cllr Dr Tumi Hawkins, lead cabinet member for planning at South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “At a time of national focus on the delivery of new homes and economic growth, being able to issue the final permission for this site will help the council to meet the growing pressure on local authorities to identify and bring forward sites for new housing.

“In Greater Cambridge our annual housing target has grown this month from 1,675 homes per year in the adopted 2018 Local Plan to 2,309 homes per year.

“Ensuring with our partners, such as the Greater Cambridge Partnership, that Waterbeach can fully contribute to meeting that annual target as soon as possible is therefore important.

“With the work of the Water Scarcity Group and the conditions that are attached to the permission, I am also reassured that the Environment Agency have removed their holding objection to the development proceeding.”

The planning application was first considered by the District Council’s Planning Committee in January 2021, where it was agreed permission should be granted, subject to conditions and completion of a s106 agreement, to secure infrastructure.

However, concerns about water supplies and the adequacy of the plans from Cambridge Water to meet future demand, resulted in the Environment Agency objecting to the application.

Through the work of the Water Scarcity Group, established last year, agencies across the area, including the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, have been working to resolve the Environment Agency’s concerns.

In November 2024, the Environment Agency replaced its objection to the Waterbeach application, with a recommendation that conditions be imposed.

The permission also requires Waterbeach Railway Station to be relocated prior to any of the new homes being occupied. The Greater Cambridge Partnership, working with Homes England, has agreed to lead on the delivery of the railway station relocation.

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