Autonomous bus services have come a step closer in Milton Keynes thanks to a £2 million grant.

Milton Keynes City Council and its partners have secured the Government money to help deliver self-driving shuttle services into the city.

The StreetCAV project (CAV stands for ‘connected and autonomous vehicles) will install the infrastructure for self-driving shuttle buses as well as robotic and drone-based services.

The council has teamed up with a number of partners including Smart City Consultancy to deliver the scheme, which will be used to trial the technology before it can be rolled out across the country.

The funding comes from a wider pot of £18.5m in Government money being made available to projects designed to strengthen the UK’s automated supply chain.

Passengers are expected to be using the self-driving shuttles from as early as October 2024.

Leader of the council Cllr Pete Marland said: “Milton Keynes really is the home of innovation and we’re committed to exploring new forms of sustainable transport so local people can benefit, as well as helping other cities around the world learn how to be greener places to live and work.

“Demand-responsive, autonomous vehicles can help to reduce congestion, and create a cleaner environment so it’s a really exciting trial to lead on. Additionally, attracting global organisations to test these ideas in Milton Keynes also provides potential for new high-tech, high-skill jobs.”

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