An appeal begins next month over plans to build 124 homes in the grounds of Guildford Cathedral.

The cathedral’s plans were turned down by Guildford Borough Council in Spring 2023, largely due to its proximity to the Grade II*-listed building.

The application sought to address issues around a 2015 application for 134 homes on the land. Housebuilder VIVID was brought on board for the latest scheme.

It would involve demolition of seven existing cathedral homes but 13 of the planned homes would be for the cathedral. Of the remainder, 67 would be market housing while 44 would be affordable.

Each would have between one and four bedrooms.

The enquiry opens on March 5 and is due to last for 10 days.

The team on the project includes Vail Williams, JTP and i-Transport.

The application can be seen at

The Planning Inspectorate reference number is APP/Y3615/W/23/3330618

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