Mayor of Watford Cllr Peter Taylor has welcomed Government funding of £16 million towards the transformation of the Town Hall and Colosseum buildings.

It was announced last November that Watford Borough Council was to be given the Levelling Up funding to help convert the Town Hall into an innovation and incubation hub for businesses and to renovate and reopen Watford Colosseum, an entertainments venue which opened in the 1930s but was forced to close during lockdown.

Now the award has been made and Cllr Taylor says the transformation can help drive further growth for Watford.

He said: “I am delighted that we have secured this significant funding in recognition of the outstanding potential our plans offer Watford and our community. 

“This funding means we can keep up the momentum in delivering our bold plans for this area of the town, unlocking economic potential and driving further investment in Watford.

“For the community it will lead to new jobs and opportunities, as well as an exciting new local venue where they can see outstanding live performances. 

“It is a big vote of confidence in Watford and the council and shows we are a town that makes the right decisions for our community and our future.”

Watford’s bid was supported by a wide range of partners, businesses and local creative organisations.

Cllr Taylor added: “I would also like to thank everyone who joined us in putting these brilliant plans together. This united voice in championing Watford definitely played a part in making this investment happen for our town.”

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