A multi-storey car park in Central Milton Keynes will make way for 285 Build-to-Rent flats under plans which go before councillors on Thursday, August 15.
The high-rise scheme, put forward by Milton Keynes I (Packaged Living and Affinius Capital) involves demolition of the five/six storey split level car park at Milton Keynes Theatre in Marlborough Gate and its replacement with towers of 28 and 18 storeys, linked by another of 16. The application includes some Class E retail on the ground floor. Officers have recommended approval.
The vacant 0.53-hectare site is described in the meeting agenda as a highly sustainable location.
The report goes on: “The scheme presents a tall building of a good quality and largely respects the surrounding built form.
“Whilst very slight harm has been identified to the setting of Campbell Park, a designated heritage asset, this harm is considered to be clearly outweighed by the social and economic benefits of the scheme.”
The team on the project includes Assael on architecture, Rapleys on planning and Fellows as cost consultant.
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