Workplace Group has applied to convert all six buildings at an office park in Maidenhead to residential under Permitted Development Rights (PDR).

The workspace provider has applied to the Royal Borough to convert the buildings at its Switchback Office Park in Furze Platt to a total of 49 flats.

In six separate applications, Workplace Group has applied for prior approval for the conversion of:

  • No 1 at the park to seven flats
  • No 2 to nine flats
  • No 3 to seven flats
  • No 4 to nine flats
  • No 5 to 10 flats and
  • No 6 to seven flats

Agent for each application is WSP.

A new prior approval application has also been lodged to convert a building at Vanwall Business Park in Maidenhead to 38 flats. Riverside OH has applied to convert SAP Objects House in Vanwall Road, one of a long line of PDR conversions at the park.

Image: Google.

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