Businesses and residents in Central Bedfordshire have been urged to get involved in the future of transport in the district.

There is just a month left of the public engagement around Central Bedfordshire Council’s Local Transport Plan which opened in April.

Hundreds of people have completed the online survey and made their feelings known in other ways including the council’s ‘Put your thoughts on a map’ concept.

The council will review all contributions and a new draft Local Transport Plan will be prepared. A formal consultation is expected to begin in Summer 2025. Findings may also feed into the Local Plan.

Cllr Mary Walsh, executive member for planning and waste, said: “This is an important stage for people, businesses and other organisations to get involved and we really encourage people to have their say.

“What goes into our draft Local Transport Plan will depend on the feedback we receive. Some things we can be fairly sure about – for example, it’s likely to underline our commitment to reducing pollution and addressing the impacts of climate change – but how we go about it must take into account what our residents and businesses tell us will work for them, what we can afford to spend, and national legislation, policy and guidance.

“A Local Transport Plan must address current and future challenges, and investment should be prioritised against the most up-to-date objectives. A robust plan also increases the likelihood of success when bidding for central Government funding for investment.”

The engagement closes on June 30.


Call: 0300 300 8300 to request a paper copy of the questionnaire.

Image: Google.

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