Persimmon Homes has acquired a site for 68 homes in Hilperton on the northeastern edge of Trowbridge, Wiltshire. 

Detailed planning permission was secured in March and the site will be developed by Persimmon’s Wessex region into a scheme known as Highfield Gardens, which will include a mix of home types and there will be 20 affordable units.

Vehicle access will be via Elizabeth Way (B3105), with additional pedestrian and cycle links connecting to surrounding areas.

More than 100 new trees, wildflower grasslands, and dedicated biodiversity features such as bird and bat boxes will be added, along with areas of green public open space including a new children’s play area.

Construction is expected to begin in February.

 Persimmon Wessex deputy managing director Seb Spiller said: “We’re delighted to have acquired this prime site in Hilperton, which will allow us to deliver much-needed, high-quality homes for local people in the area.

“Working closely with Wiltshire Council, we’ve created a vision that preserves local character, supports biodiversity, and enhances connectivity, all while providing a mix of housing options for a diverse range of buyers.

“We look forward to commencing on site early in 2025 as we continue our positive track-record across Wiltshire delivering sustainable communities and quality homes for local people.”

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