A total of 131 new flats are in the pipeline in four applications at Vanwall Business Park in Maidenhead – most of them under Permitted Development Rights (PDR).

Mountley, represented by Allen Planning, has been granted PDR approval by the Royal Borough for 53 flats at ID Maidenhead, a 37,000 sq ft, three-storey office building.

A previous application for 54 flats at the building was refused because it did not comply with minimum space requirements and the bin and cycle areas fell outside the scope of  PDR and would require planning permission.

And two further PDR schemes are awaiting a decision. Local Authorities Mutual Investment Trust, via Progress Planning, is seeking PDR to convert 25,098 sq ft, three-storey Vandervell House into 31 flats.

And Legal & General Investment Management (L&GIM), represented by Savills, has applied to convert Costain House, a 44,132 sq ft, three-storey building, into 38 flats.

Awaiting a decision on full planning permission is an application by Chelsea Star Investments, via Mialex, for nine flats on a 0.1-hectare site west of vacant Persimmon House and near another new residential block called Monaco House.

Scores of new homes have already been created at the business park, mostly through PDR schemes.

Image: Google.

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