Consultation has begun on a masterplan for 106,000 sq ft of new science and technology space in Oxfordshire.

Automotive group Hartwell has unveiled emerging designs for carbon-efficient lab and workspace buildings and amenities for small and medium-sized occupiers at Wootton Science Park to the south-west of Oxford.

Hartwell, which has owned the park since 1975, built its first office building in 2005 and has now reached practical completion of Origin, a two-storey laboratory building.

The proposed £35 million Scott Brownrigg-designed development will deliver 106,233 sq ft across five buildings along with connected amenities, landscaped areas, bike storage, a bistro and a gym.

Hartwell property director James Hilton said: “With an unprecedented increase in the University of Oxford’s spinout companies involved in life sciences, quantum, AI, sustainability and more, we believe that the park’s future lies in answering the demand for high-quality grow-on lab and workspace and providing amenities to not only support those working here in their innovation and discovery, but also the wider community.

“Our masterplanning work has focused on creating a well-rounded environment that caters to both physical and social needs, enhancing the working environment, and promoting wellbeing for all those who work here and visit.

“The masterplan in both the construction and occupation phases will deliver jobs while fostering innovation and creating a new place for the whole community. We encourage the community to find out more about our plans and to have their say.”

The consultation is open online until Thursday, April 18 and there will be an in-person public event on Thursday, March 21 from 4pm to 8pm in Origin.

The consultant team is Scott Brownrigg, Gerald Eve, IMA, Macfarlane and Associates, Aspect Ecology and Hoare Lea.


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