Cala Homes (Cotswolds) has submitted detailed plans for more than 300 homes at its Nobel Park development in Didcot.

The latest reserved matters application for 311 properties to South Oxfordshire District Council is a combination of phases 5b, 7 and 8 of the development.

To date, Cala has achieved planning consent for 634 homes in phases 1, 2, 4, and 6 and, of the total 1,239 homes in the development, 28 per cent have been sold.

The latest proposals would deliver some new house types from the developer’s ‘light and space’ collection, including one, two, three and four-bedroom affordable homes (accounting for 24 per cent of the scheme) and one, two, three four and five-bedroom open market homes.

Cala says it will go above and beyond council requirements for sustainability, with every new home having EV charging points and air source heat pumps. There will also be bird nesting features, specialist hedgehog fencing, bat boxes or bat roosting tiles and native tree planting.

Charles Rafferty, land director for Cala Cotswolds, said: “Our next phases of the Nobel Park development will further strengthen our presence in Didcot where to date, we have already delivered a total of 342 much needed new homes across the site. Our work in the area will bring wider benefits including a secondary school and primary school as well as a neighbourhood centre, and a sports and community centre.

“The submission of our plans for the next phases is another step towards supporting South Oxfordshire District Council with its continued target to ensure housing availability and affordability in the local area.”

 A few apartments remain in the current phases as well as some three and four-bedroom homes with Phase 6 due to launch in Spring.


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