Plans for 132 homes, along with community and commercial space in Ascot go before councillors on Tuesday (September 10) with an application for refusal.

London Square and Ascot Central Car Park are seeking full planning permission for 960.8 sq m of flexible commercial floorspace and 278.5 sq m of flexible community floorspace along with the homes and open space on a 2.77-hectare site between Ascot Fire Station, Station Hill, Hermitage Parade and Ascot High Street.

But ahead of Tuesday’s Windsor & Ascot development management committee’s meeting, officers have recommended refusal due to the applicants’ offer of 30 per cent affordable homes (rather than policy compliant 40 per cent).

Further reasons for recommending refusal include lack of adequate connections, overlooking, insufficient amenity space for some homes, risk to existing trees and the absence of a s106 agreement.

The site already has permission for 131 homes in a previous scheme which does not include the commercial and community space.

The latest scheme was designed by DHA Architecture and planned by Solve Planning.

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