Refusal has been recommended for plans for up to 90 homes on land in Milcombe, Oxfordshire.

Cherwell District Council’s planning committee will consider plans put forward by Neptune Land Promotion along with land owners Mr I Smith, Mrs L Smith and Mrs M Smith, to develop 5.97 hectares of arable farming land south of Bloxham Road.

The outline application, planned by Bidwells and designed byIDP architects, seeks permission for the homes and would provide land for a village hall and shop.

The council’s planning committee has been recommended to refuse the plans at its June 6 meeting on the grounds of it being a disproportionate development, reliant on the private car and insufficient commitment to infrastructure contributions.

At the same meeting councillors will be recommended to approve L&Q Estates’ plans for up to 55 homes on land west of Church Ley Field, near Blackthorn Road, Ambrosden, which is near Bicester.

L&Q wants to develop 3.52 hectares of agricultural land.

Image shows the Neptune Land scheme.

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