Plans are being drawn up for up to 400 homes on the edge of Witney, Oxfordshire.
Mactaggart & Mickel (Mic Mac Group) has submitted an EIA screening opinion request to West Oxfordshire District Council over its plans for developing four agricultural fields totalling 22.5 hectares at Curbridge Downs Farm.
The screening request by Savills states that significant open space will be incorporated into the scheme, including play areas, allotments, an orchard and green corridors, which, in total, account for more than half the land.
The scheme also aims to retain grassland margins and extend them where possible to retain areas with greater biodiversity.
The report says, while most of the homes will be in the central and eastern parts of the site, there is potential for retirement units and self-build plots to be built on the western edge with recreational pitches separating the western and central parcels of land.
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