SEGRO has agreed a new five-year lease with retailer Next to occupy a 10,000 sq ft unit at Bath Road Retail Park in Slough. 

Next, which has had a store there since April 2007 will be relocating from its existing unit on the western side of the park to a vacant unit on the eastern side.

The new store, currently being fitted out, is due for occupation in February 2024.

Jo Jackson, Thames Valley director of SEGRO, said: “With the lease at the point of expiry and a vacant unit of a similar size available in the eastern part of the Bath Road Retail Park, there was an opportunity for Next to relocate to a more prominent position alongside the other retailers where there is more footfall.

“It is a great example of how we like to work closely with our customers and manage our estates.”

SEGRO acquired the park in January 2023. It comprises 10 retail warehouse units, five of which are currently vacant with leases for the occupied units due to expire between 2024 and 2028.

SEGRO says it is exploring a number of options for the park. The entire western side is soon to be vacant but SEGRO is considering the whole park’s long-term future.

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