Plans for a solar farm, which is both in the Green Belt and covers an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV), have been recommended for approval.

Guildford Borough Council’s planning committee will decide an application by SSE and the University of Surrey for a 46-hectare solar farm on land west of Blackwell Farm, Hogs Back, near Guildford, at its Wednesday, November 6 meeting.

In addition to the sensitivity of the location, part of the land is a candidate area for the Surrey Hills National Landscape boundary review by Natural England and there are several public rights of way across the site.

The scheme, which is on land owned by the university, was revised after access and cabling routes were changed. The application is for ‘temporary’ permission for 35 years with the energy produced for use by the University of Surrey to help it achieve its net zero carbon emission goals. It attracted 112 objections.

CPRE, in its objection, states: “We assert that the resubmission of this application falls very short in its attempt to demonstrate the ‘Very Special Circumstances’ required by planning law to justify the proposed development within the Green Belt.

“If approved, the Solar Farm would adversely impact the National Landscape, the London Metropolitan Green Belt, the Area of Great Landscape Value and the setting of the Surrey Hills National Landscape, public access land and many Nationally Protected species.

“Consequently, we strongly urge Guildford Borough Council to reject planning application 24/P/00441.”

The development was designed and planned by tor & co.

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