On behalf of St George, Quod has secured hybrid planning permission for the former Northfields Industrial Estate known as the Grand Union. Quod worked closely with St George, Brent Council and the Greater London Authority to develop a new masterplan for Grand Union.

Outline planning permission has been granted to demolish existing buildings and structures on the site. All site preparation works and redevelopment to provide new homes, flexible commercial uses and a new basement level. The associated cycle and vehicle parking, new vehicular accesses, associated highway works to Beresford Avenue, landscaping, and new public and private open space form part of the approval.

Detailed planning permission has been granted for Phase 3 (Buildings G, H and J) for the demolition of existing buildings and structures, all site preparation and infrastructure works and the development of new homes and flexible commercial floorspace. With a new basement level, associated storage, cycle and vehicle parking, new vehicular accesses, associated highway works to Beresford Avenue, landscaping and creation of new public and private open space, ancillary facilitating works.

The broader site now benefits from planning permission for 3,030 homes, of which 35% will be affordable (on a habitable room basis) and 23,441sqm GEA of commercial floorspace (of which 19,627sqm GEA is industrial floorspace). To date, detailed planning permission has been granted for Phase 1, and details have been approved through a reserved matters application for Phase 2. A combined total of 924 homes has been secured under Phases 1 and 2 and commercial floorspace. ‘The Generator’, which is now located within Phase 4a of the revised Phasing Plan, has also been approved in detail under reserved matters and comprises 18,128 sqm (GEA) of employment floorspace.

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