One of the UK’s largest s106 agreements in the country has been signed by Hertfordshire County Council and two developers to deliver 10,000 homes in Gilston.

The authority has made the agreement with Places for People and Taylor Wimpey for the scheme, Harlow Gilston Garden Town (HGGT) development, consented by East Herts District Council comprising 8,500 for Places for People across six villages, and 1,500 for Taylor Wimpey in a seventh village.

Alongside new homes, the agreement outlines commitments to provide infrastructure across the new villages which will include facilities for business, retail, sports and leisure and healthcare, as well as community spaces, parks and open spaces, new primary and secondary schools and early years facilities.  

Permission has already been granted for new transport infrastructure schemes known as the Central and Eastern Stort Crossings.

Cllr Richard Roberts, leader of Hertfordshire County Council, said: “This agreement represents a significant milestone for Hertfordshire and the Harlow Gilston Garden Town project. It demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that growth is accompanied by the infrastructure needed to support thriving communities.

“My thanks to all five councils, who have strived to get the best possible deal for existing and new residents, yet to arrive. We will be proud of this development when it meets the highest build standards with the right infrastructure creating the homes and communities of the future.”

Cllr Vicky Glover-Ward, executive member for planning and growth at East Herts District Council, said: “We are pleased to issue the planning permissions for the delivery of 10,000 homes and associated infrastructure in the Gilston area.

“This is a major milestone and an important step in achieving sustainable growth both directly in Gilston, East Herts and the wider Harlow and Gilston Garden Town.”

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