Thames Property Group has reported a host of lettings totalling 46,000 sq ft among its portfolio in Reading over the last few months.

Advised by Haslams Surveyors, the group reports:

  • Local charity Thames Hospice has taken a 19,518 sq ft industrial warehouse at 16 Richfield Avenue on a 15-year lease at a stepped rent rising to £13 per sq ft.
  • Uttam Ji & Sons,a wholesale distributor of home, DIY and garden products, has taken 19,206 sq ft at 14 Tessa Road (pictured) on a 10-year lease at £10 per sq ft.
  • Ross Robotics has signed for a 5,754 sq ft warehouse/trade counter unit at 1 Cremyll Road, on a 10-year lease at £11.50 per sq ft.
  • Redland Mobility, which offers mobility aids has taken 1,900 sq ft of additional storage at 31 Milford Trading Estate on a six-year lease at £10.50 per sq ft.

Haslams is also currently marketing a 13,671 sq ft industrial / warehouse unit at 3-5 Tessa Road. The building has been fully refurbished with a new roof and uPVC double glazed windows and has a securable yard area /car parking and air-conditioned offices. The quoting a rent is £11.50 per sq ft.

Alec White, a partner at Haslams, said: “This slew of recent lettings, shows the strength of occupational demand for warehouse and industrial units in the Reading area, from businesses across the spectrum.”

Simon Fruchter, managing director, Thames Property Group, said: “Given our ‘feet on the ground’ approach, Thames Property Group understands what occupiers in the local area want and need, as evidenced by this latest raft of deals.”

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