London Square and Assael Architects have withdrawn the proposals for the second phase of the Greggs Bakery Development.

The proposal was to demolish existing buildings (with the retention of a single dwelling) and redevelop the site to provide 97 residential units, 883 sqm of industrial floorspace, and 117 sqm of affordable workspace, with associated hard and soft landscaping, car parking, highways work, and other associated works.

The withdrawal follows the planning committee’s decision in November 2023 to overrule the planning officers and local plan by approving the first phase covered here.

The withdrawal is believed to be due to adverse feedback from residents and planning officers. Other residents and local councillors are concerned that the site will remain vacant for an extensive period of time.

While the site is currently designated as an industrial site in the local plan, it’s worth noting that after extensive marketing, there has been no interest in returning it to a factory. This has led many to believe that a residential development could be the most viable and beneficial outcome for the site in the future.


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