Vail Williams has announced the election of Danny George as a member of its LLP.

Mr George, who is Gatwick regional managing partner and national business consultancy lead, is the firm’s 16th LLP member.

The move is one of 15 senior promotions in recent months. The firm now has 169 staff, its highest ever number, and has reported continued growth and increased turnover.

Managing partner, Matthew Samuel-Camps, (pictured) said: “Danny’s appointment is in recognition of his very strong contribution to our business on all fronts. He has performed exceptionally in his roles, led and delivered positive change and upheld our values.”

The other 14 promotions span the firm’s six regions and service areas. They include:

  • Gatwick: Greg Winston-Bray (rating) promoted to surveyor; Jason Morris Kidd (valuation) associate
  • London: Toby Orpen-Palmer (building consultancy) surveyor
  • Midlands & North: Freddie Eastman (valuation) surveyor; Oli Muscutt (agency) surveyor
  • South Coast: Matt Cureton (agency) surveyor; Sara Williams (property asset management) associate
  • Surrey: Holly Vos (building consultancy) associate; James Williams (planning) associate; Jas Lall (PAM) surveyor
  • Thames Valley: Andy Baillie (agency) associate; Dan Reynaldo (building consultancy) senior surveyor; James Newton, (agency) surveyor; Mark Riley (property asset management) facilities management lead

Mr Samuel-Camps added: “These 14 promotions across our business recognise outstanding personal contributions to our business growth and individual and team self-development, as well as new responsibilities.

“We have recruited 32 new members of staff in the last 12 months, are about to embark on a new three-year business plan and our shareholders have backed the board to deliver further growth so we expect to continue to recruit.

“We have just closed our financial year and the figures are still being crunched, but I can say that we have grown significantly, achieved an excellent turnover and are on an upward trajectory – which reflects the investment that the business continues to make in people and our premises and the loyalty of our clients.”

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