Hillingdon Council planning committee has approved developing the former Merck Sharpe Dohme (MSD) site in Ickenham for warehousing and storage.

The site was a former MSD Animal Health research and distribution centre on Breakspear Road South, Ickenham. The site is located adjacent to the route for HS2 in Hillingdon.

The application was for the retention of one building (Building One) for use as ancillary offices and, demolition of all remaining buildings, construction of four new buildings (Buildings two to five), all within Use Class B8 with ancillary uses. The proposal includes hard standing, widening the vehicular access off Breakspear Road South, associated car and cycle parking, enhanced landscaping and ancillary works.

 The site is a brownfield site that sits within the green belt. The proposal was considered acceptable within this context with the proviso that it should not be used as a data centre. The proposal is subject to GLA approval. 

The architects, Campbell Architects, state;

 “ The proposal includes the development of an office block and four warehouses while maintain and enhance openness of the Green Belt.”

The applicant is Keltbray Developments Limited & NSS (Ickenham) LLP.




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