The next stage of work for the ambitious regeneration of the Market Place in Great Yarmouth has begun.

Contractor Tarmac has begun to improve the public realm with install new paving, benches, lighting and planters

The first phase of the improvements began at the north of the Market Place outside the Fishermen’s Hospital. At the same time, work began alongside the east side of the covered market and at the two-day market area to the south.

The scheme, funded by the Government’s Future High Street Fund, will also see improvements to the area at the end of St Nicholas Road and the main pay and display car park. The entire scheme is scheduled to be complete by April 2025.

For the duration of the work, the two-day market will be relocated to the northern side of the covered market (pictured) before locating back to the southern piazza area.

A spokesperson for Great Yarmouth Borough Council said: ”This exciting and high-quality regeneration will provide a major enhancement of the Market Place, creating an attractive, successful and vibrant space for Great Yarmouth.

”The scheme was drawn up after a public consultation and engagement sessions with key stakeholders including businesses, the Civic Society and the Town Centre Partnership and – coupled with the new covered market and the work to revitalise the former Palmers department store into a new community library and learning hub, The Place – means we will have a town centre that can thrive for years to come.”

Image: Evelyn Simak / Entrance to the covered market on Market Square.

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