The latest consultation on the £100 million redevelopment of Blackbird Leys estate in Oxford begins on Monday (July 12).

Oxford City Council and its development partner Catalyst will hold physical and virtual events and there will be a leaflet drop and information on the Blackbird Leys website.

The scheme involves a new district centre and 294 new homes, mostly for social rent or shared ownership.

Cllr Alex Hollingsworth, Oxford City Council cabinet member for planning and housing delivery, said: “We’re approaching an important milestone in the long planned redevelopment of Blackbird Leys. We’d like as many people as possible to have their say and help shape the future of their neighbourhood. 

“The latest proposals will benefit people on Blackbird Leys by providing improved, high quality community buildings with better public space, safer, healthier and more sustainable travel, and more jobs and training.

“They will also deliver much needed homes. If you want us to tackle systemic inequality in our city by building more affordable homes, please take part in our consultation.”

The consultation runs until July 25 and Catalyst hopes to submit a planning application in the Autumn. Construction could then start in late 2022.

Details of drop-in sessions and webinars are at

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