Missions Street has won consent for 180,000 sq ft of innovation space at Botley Road, Oxford.

The Fabrica scheme, put forward by the developer, along with BGO, is the second phase of its development of retail warehouses in the West End of the city.

The planning success at the December 12 meeting of the city council’s planning committee, comes in the same week as practical completion of Mission Street and BGO’s 65,000 sq ft Inventa building.

Fabrica, designed by NBBJ, has been designed to provide full flexibility of wet labs and offices across five floors.

The two schemes will provide the first commercial science schemes in the West End where a pipeline of around two million sq ft of commercial and university science buildings has been identified.

Misson Street chief executive Artem Korolev said: “The decision to grant planning permission for Fabrica is a significant statement for the city of Oxford and for the Mission Street-BGO joint venture.

“This is the largest commercial sciences scheme to gain consent in central Oxford and recognises the growing trend towards urban science.”

“The benefits for future occupiers are clear – proximity to Oxford train station and the city centre provides access to wider talent pools, ability to adopt sustainable travel methods, access to the amenities and cultural offerings of the city centre, as well as the key anchors including the university.

“We’re extremely excited to be at the forefront of this transformation of the West End.”

CBRE and Bidwells are letting agents on the scheme.

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